31/08/2024, 4:00 pm – 12:00 am,

Nacht der Museen und Galerien 2024

, Kunsthalle Münster

nicolás paris, Protobosque (Still), 2023, Single-channel video, colour, loop.


a place to learn to be curious;
a place to get lost;
a place to explore the universe as our school and the Kunsthalle as one of its classrooms;
a place where we decide what we want to learn;
a place where being different is fine;
a place to be contradictory and subversive;
a place to question the present;
a place to find sound traces;
a place to initiate experiences and to develop habits of self-learning;
a place to be infinite learners;
a place where the word is understood as a plastic material, conversation as form and where the common is to learn and to teach.

nicolás paris

The Kunsthalle Münster is opening ist doors until midnight as part of Nacht der Museen und Galerien. On display is Manigua, the first solo exhibition by Colombian artist nicolás paris to be presented in a German institution. His work is a poetic resistance to conventions, rules and entrenched convictions. His working method, based on the act of drawing, on dialogue and elements drawn from architecture, aims to encourage open-ended and experimental learning processes. The knowledge arising from this practice allows for new ways of being together. paris thus transforms the exhibition space into a place of egalitarian, communal and exploratory exchange, centred on collective experience. Essentially, his work is inspired by his interest in the strategies and politics of nature.

With his works, paris allows us to adopt different perspectives by creating a heightened awareness for the missing connection with our surroundings. As a response to decontextualized knowledge consisting of data and theories the human body is unable to process, he seeks to offer meaningful experiences and thus remedy a deficit in our society. The large-scale installation becomes a stage for practicing, whether together or alone.paris has conceived the exhibition as a classroom, a place for the exchange of knowledge, where the positions of teacher and student are inconsistent and fluid. In this classroom without hierarchy, people learn together, from and with each other. Yet at all times the question remains in focus as to the state of coexistence and what knowledge the forest has to offer on this matter. As an essential part of the exhibition open to the public, the accompanying programme offers a series of cooperative, unscripted, workshop-like encounters: exercises, workshops, experiments.

In the context of the exhibition

nicolás paris: Manigua

, Kunsthalle Münster → Exhibition
Other Events:

01/09/2024, 3:00 pm,

among trees, together. Talk and reading with nicolás paris and Merle Radtke

, Kunsthalle Münster

04/09/2024, 6:00 pm,

among trees, together. Talk with Maike Denker und nicolás paris

, Kunsthalle Münster

29/09/2024, 3:00 pm,

think of a path, think of a trace, think of a leaf. Exploring nature with Maike Denker

, Kunsthalle Münster

24/10/2024, 6:00 pm,

Forest Pathways. A lecture by Natasha Ginwala

, Kunsthalle Münster

30/10/2024, 6:00 pm,

The Reading Group Machtkritische Kunstvermittlung as guest at Kunsthalle Münster with Prof. Dr. Gesa Krebber and Merle Radtke

, Kunsthalle Münster

01/12/2024, 11:00 am,

People, marimba, music. The musical debut of Peter Nagy

, Kunsthalle Münster