03/10/2021, 1:00 pm,
Artist talk with Charlott Weise and Franca Zitta
, Kunsthalle MünsterDaniel Vorthuys, The Contralto in her Eyes
, Atelier 4.1“The oils splash, and are churned out in finely delineated contours of visage whose blush extends beyond the cheeks onstage. A theatrical aside takes place between wigged actors. Perhaps they discuss the viewer, who is by now perched on a stool, applying eyeliner before her fateful denoue-ment in the dressing-room mirror that stares back at her like the all-seeing, mascara-heavy, smokey eye of Saurona…” (Daniel Vorthuys, Thinking through tinted glass)
The Contralto in her Eyes is a performative lecture on fandom by Daniel Vorthuys. How can we look into our self while accessing a whole cosmology at once? On the occasion of the finissage of Charlott Weise. Tinted Glass, Vorthuys will discuss topics such as theatricality, the iconography as well as the worship of divas, among other things.
Daniel Vorthuys (born 1990) is an artist and poet based in Amsterdam. His work explores the heritage of the western classical tradition through its stories of metamorphosis and gendered transformation, transforming this tradition into a mythology of alien and unstable subject-hood. His writing is geared towards performance and video, introducing elements of music and costume. Vorthuys exhibited his works most recently at Punt WG, Amsterdam, Marres Institute, Maastricht and Perdu, Amsterdam, among others. He completed his Master in Performance Practices at Artez in 2019.
Supported by:
Charlott Weise. Tinted Glass
, Atelier 4.1 → ExhibitionArtist talk with Charlott Weise and Franca Zitta
, Kunsthalle Münster