04/11/2019, 6:30 pm,

Screening & (Re)Extending Algerian Memories 2

, Cinema Münster

Katia Kameli, Le Roman Algérien (Chaptre Un) (Still), 2016, HD Video, 16:35 min.


How to recount and represent individual and collective history and memories from below? How to bring together various stories (oral or written, with or without words, in proliferation or in absence of images) that goes far beyond (neo)colonial and dogmatic post-independent narrations? How to figure and to deconstruct forgotten, shattered or scattered memories in order to overpass the invisible? These are essential aspects and questions raised in Katia Kameli’s works. In her films, she interrelates the past, the present, Algeria and Europe and brings them together in a dialogue which is often tumultuous and at the same time, it is a demand for freedom that lasts for centuries as an open constellation of hopes, experiences and representations.

The film programme is echoing with her solo exhibition She Rekindled the Vividness of the Past at the Kunsthalle Münster. The programme aims to create a discussion and a negotiation with the first chapter of Katia Kameli’s triptych Le Roman Algérien (The Algerian Novel) from and about Algeria, as those are perceived as a new approach of deconstruction, re-appropriation and reconfiguration of colonial and imperial archives (images, postcards, drawings) reflecting the same ambition found in the works of in Assia Djebar, Mohammed Zinet, Mohand Ali-Yahia, René Vautier or in Yann Le Masson & Olga Poliakof whose films will be displaying in our programme.

The programme is curated by Olivier Hadouchi. Hadouchi is historian, researcher and film curator from Paris. He curated film programs for Museum Reina Sofía (Madrid), Bandits (Paris), Le Bal (Paris), ZdB (Lisbon), The Mosaic Rooms (London). He published books about film history of Algeria, Arabic and African countries during the 1960s. His writings are also published in critical magazine on cultures, geo-politics, society and history of European and non-European countries e.g. Third Text, CinémAction, Caiman. Hadouchi received his PhD at Paris Sorbonne III in 2012.

La Question (The Question), Algeria / GDR, 1961, Mohand Ali-Yahia, 14 min, OV with German subtitles

Le Roman Algérien. Chapitre un (The Algerian Novel. Chapter one), France/Algeria, 2016, Katia Kameli, 16 Min., OV with German subtitles

La Zerda ou les Chants de l’Oubli (Zerda or the Songs of Forgetting), Algeria / France, 1981, Assia Djebar & Malek Alloula, 64 min, OV with German subtitles

Lecture by Olivier Hadouchi (researcher and film curator, Paris)

In the context of the exhibition

Katia Kameli: She Rekindled the Vividness of the Past

, Kunsthalle Münster → Exhibition
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Screening & (Re)Extending Algerian Memories

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Screening & (Re)Extending Algerian Memories 3

, Cinema Münster